Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Last Post !

I was not able to get as many teachers to take my surveys as I had originally planned but I still received some interesting results. I received a lot of positive comments about becoming a teacher which I was very happy about. Something that I found interesting was the question I asked about getting a summer job, one of my teachers I surveyed he said that he taught sports camps in the summer so that he would have a sum of money coming in to support his wife. Then I surveyed a single women teacher she also had to get a job in the summer waiting tables because she had no one else supporting her, such as a husband. Lastly, one teacher I surveyed she is married and she does not get a job in the summer because her husband has one. Another interesting thing I found in my survey was that either the teachers graduated with a higher degree or they felt the need to go back and get a higher degree to be able to support themselves as well as their family. There are a lot of components to becoming and teacher and this was extremely helpful by doing a survey. During my presentation I will show more interesting facts about becoming a teacher! 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Almost at the Survey!!

So far I have not gotten any results but I have gone to my old school and talked to a few of my old teachers who were extremely interested in taking the survey for me. They will take the survey which will help me understand the "ins and outs" of being a teacher. There are so many different components of being a teacher that people never truly know all of it. People have a lot of assumptions about teachers these days but no one understands how much a teacher really does for their students as well as the school. By doing this survey I will see the responses from different grade levels, different ages of the teacher, different schools, different summer jobs, and much more. Doing this survey will give me a good feel for my future goals in life- being a teacher. In my last post there are the majority of questions I will ask. I have added a few more to that list to help me learn more about becoming a teacher. 

Friday, November 30, 2012

Questions on Why to Become a Teacher!

Within the next two weeks I plan on surveying some teachers and learning more about their job. Here are some questions I may ask: 

1. What grade do you teach? 
2. Did you graduate from college with a Bachelor or Master's Degree? 
3. What did you major and/or minor in? 
4. On a scale from 1-5 how happy are you with the benefits of a teacher? 
5. Do you agree or disagree with your pension plan? 
6. On a scale from 1-5 how much do you love your job? 
7. How many hours of homework do you have a night? a) 1-2 b) 3-4 c) 4-5 d) over 6 hours 
8. Do you need to get a summer job to keep supporting your needs in the summer? 
9. Do you agree or disagree with the income you make a year? 
10. How many years have you been working to get the income you are making now? 
11. What is the difference between what you started off making as a teacher to now? a) 2,000-4,000 b) 5,000-7,000 c) 8,000-10,000 d) over 10,000 dollars
12. Would you recommend me becoming a teacher? 
13. Do you have any advice or tips for me to know before becoming a teacher?

Monday, November 19, 2012

2nd Quarter Project!

For my Quarter 2 project I will be surveying teachers in all different grades levels such as Pre-school, Elementary, Middle and High school. I will ask some questions to teachers at IHA and the rest at my old school, Visitation Academy. In my survey I will be asking teachers different questions about their every day life within their job. Some questions I will be asking are about their income and pension to see if they agree or disagree with it. Also I will be asking these teachers about their benefits and if it is worth being a teacher with the work load. Next I will ask the teachers if they have a higher degree of education such as Masters degree rather than just a Bachelors degree. Lastly I will be asking the teachers if they have to get another job in the summer because they are off and do not get paid in the summer. I’m doing it this way because it will give me a better feel about how teachers feel about their job, income, benefits, retirement, and work load. The survey will help me see how teachers feel about their job and since I want to become a teacher, see what I can do to enjoy my job more.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Quarter 2


For my quarter two assignment I will be going out and surveying different teachers talking to them about Education. I will ask a variety of questions to see their view on pension, pay, retirement, their classroom environment and much more. Not only will I be surveying Catholic school teachers but also I will try to find some public school teachers and see the difference between the two different environments. Also I would do case studies of individuals and see what they say about Education. 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Teacher Song

     This funny and entertaining video I found is all about the daily lives of teachers. At the beginning it was showing all the things teachers do for their students everyday. Also in the video it shows all of the conflicts the teacher faces everyday. Not only is the teachers job to teach you but it is also to shape you into the person you are suppose to be. They teach you your manors such as sharing, caring and being respectful to everyone. Then the transition in the video is that the students are actually learning, enjoying school and behaving better all because of how wonderful the teacher is. Although teaching may get frustrating at times as shown in this video, she also states how rewarding it is at the end of the day. 
      I thought this was a great way to sum up the job of a teacher. As I've stated many times throughout my blog, teachers are not appreciated. More people should watch this video and see what teachers go through each and everyday and lets see how many people change their mind about teachers. 

Friday, October 19, 2012

What Was Your Dream Job?

Did you play teacher growing up? Was that your dream job when you were a kid? Well teaching is still my dream job. Growing up I played school every day with my brother, my cousins, and sometimes even just my stuffed animals. Every birthday or holiday it would be another excuse to get more teacher supplies. I had blackboards, chalk, name tags, bells, stickers- you name it, I had it. Then when my little sister was born I thought it was the perfect opportunity to be her "teacher". Right before she went to kindergarten I would sit with her and make her practice her letters, numbers, name, address, every day. She hated me for it then, but now thanks me for it. Teachers are not just people who teach in a classroom about Math, Science, English, or History, they also are people just teaching others how to do new things. Coaches, parents, priests, bosses all can be considered teachers. At some point or another they teach you how to do something that you do not know how to do. That is why becoming a teacher is so important to me. I will be impacting so many children's lives that it makes it all worth it. I do not care about the money or the work that I will have to do because in the end the reward is the children succeeding for the rest of their lives because of the things I taught them. Appreciate your teachers and all that they do for you. You will not realize how important they are until much later on in life but thank them every chance you get.